Is this thing still on?

It’s been a very long time since I last updated my blog. Not because nothing’s happened, I just haven’t gotten around to it, that’s all.

The most obvious thing that’s happened was that Munson was diagnosed with cancer. After the verdict fell it all went very quick and he came out of surgery without a lump on his back leg. The also shaved off the fur on his leg so it looked more like a chicken leg for a while before it grew back again.

On a more exciting note, my sister Isabel and her boyfriend Calle stayed with us last week. They are doing a world wide trip and their second destination after South Korea was to go to Sydney and then drive up along the coast all the way to Cairns. I hadn’t seen her since just before I left Sweden back in March so it was wonderful to see her again. The chance to meet a family member other than Mike and Munson doesn’t come as often now that I live in Sydney! I took two days off to spend time with them and while I hadn’t planned much beforehand I think we did a good job in doing interesting things. For example, I took them into the city to see the Botanical Gardens which is truly amazing during this time of the year. When the time came to say hello we both cried like babies, but what else would we have done?


Somewhere in between all of this, Mike has continued to take me to daytrips to different places in and out of Sydney. The most memorable was when we drove west of Sydney to The Blue Mountains. And just to make things clear, there are no ‘’blue’’ mountains, they only appear to be in that colour because of the oil which comes from the eucalyptus in the area. I took this photo from one of the many lookout posts around the mountains. On the left down corner you can see a group of pillars called ‘’The three sisters’’.


While autumn is on it’s way back in Europe, spring, (or more like summer) have arrived to Sydney. And it brought a lot of beautiful flowers. My mother taught me well to appreciate whatever you can grow in a garden and it’s been very exciting for me to discover so many new flowers which I’ve never seen before. But I did actually stumble across a very typical flower you’d see in Sweden and it was the Forget-me-not. DSCN2305